The Role of Indian Rural Industries led by Coir in Building Value and their Performance - An Analysis

  • S. V. Soundaravalli Associate Professor, PG and Research Department of Commerce, Kunthavai Naacchiyar Government, Arts College for Women (A), Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu, India
Keywords: Coir, Coir Products, Export Performance


India is an agricultural country. One third of population depends on the agricultural agro based industry sector directly or indirectly. Agriculture plays a vital role in the manufacture sector, agricultural products demand linking with manufacturing sector. Indian Agricultural product are exporting to other countries like USA, Australia, Gulf countries etc., One among the exporting Agricultural Product is Coconut and its by products. The coconut industry occupies an extremely important position in the economy of India. Among the extraordinary number of products derived from the coconut palm, copra, coconut oil, fresh coconuts, desiccated coconut, coir and shell products have high demand in local and International markets. India is one of the top producers and exporters of coir and coir products in international market. This article analysis export performance of coir industry in India from 2017-18 to 2021-2022.

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