Capital Markets in India: A Conceptual Framework

  • Harish Tigari Assistant Professor & Co-ordinator, Davan PG Studies, Davangere, Karnataka, India
  • R Aishwarya Davan PG Studies, Davangere, Karnataka, India
Keywords: Capital market reforms, New economic policy 1991, Indian economy, Stock exchanges & Indian government


The history of Indian capital market goes back to the 18th century when the securities of East Indian company was traded. The contribution of Indian capital market for the sustainability of Indian economy is considerably since the year 1890’s. The capital market plays a   role in terms of wealth distribution and economic development of a country like India.  Capital market acts as a transformer of savings into capital investment. The capital market has witnessed a major reforms since the implementation of New Economic Policy 1991 and thereafter. The Indian government and SEBI have adopted the various reforms in order to enhance the performance of Indian stock exchanges. The present study tries to analyze the recent reforms in Indian capital market from the year 2010 onwards. The present research is largely based on the secondary data.  The statistical facts and figures regarding the growth and development of the capital market was available from various journals, publications and websites.

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How to Cite
Tigari, H., & Aishwarya, R. (2019). Capital Markets in India: A Conceptual Framework. Shanlax International Journal of Economics, 8(1), 53-59.

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