The Governance of Tourism for the Growth and Development of Kerala Economy
The objectives of this article are to create awareness on - the evolution of Kerala economy for the past half a century, the strengths and weakness of economy and the future strategies to develop Kerala economy. The history of Kerala economy may be classified into three phases: 1956 – 1975; 1976 – 1991; and 1991 – 2006. During the first phase, Kerala remained as backward economy with low rate of growth and development. During the second phase, the Kerala economy developed in the positive direction due to large scale migration to foreign countries and the resulting flow of income remittance to Kerala. The third phase created rapid economic changes because of economic reforms, the remittance from non-resident Keralites, state policies on public expenditure and increase in private investment. The Kerala economy achieved the highest rate of growth and development, structural transmission and technological change during this phase. In 1986, Kerala realised tourism as an influential source, deciding the economic fate of the state. This article indentifies economic protection and cultural protection as basic areas in which employment generation can be effectively implemented. While performing the above processes environmental sustainability, cultural sustainability and economic sustainability are to be preserved. All these sustainabilities are basic conditions for sustainability of tourism. In conclusion, the governance of tourism will lead to the growth and development of Kerala economy.
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