Socio-Economic Conditions of the Urban Poor: A Study in Bangalore City
For the development of any economy, urbanization factor is an important parameter, without which we cannot expect an all-round development of the nation. The positive effects of urbanization are industrialization, housing development, infrastructural facilities, construction of roads, railways, airways, educational centres, health centres and entertainment besides another important parameter is income of the urban family, which is really greater than the farm size income. At the same time the negative effects are mass movement of population from rural economy to urbanized centre in search of job, income and wish to live in the urban centre. As a result, many unskilled people are work both in formal and informal sector, once these groups enter the urban markets, they never go back to their village, this results in cropping many urban problems particularly providing a decent house with all kinds of facilities. Many urban areas have been
occupied by these group and these areas do not have basic facilities such as proper housing, sanitation, drinking water, street light and other facilities. With this background the present paper seeks to examine life of the urban poor in Bangalore city. For more specific the study throws light on eight slums in the Bangalore city which would highlight every aspect of these urban poor.

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