Critical Evaluation of Slums in Bangalore

  • H Sudhakara Full Time Guest faculty in Economics, Bangalore University, Bangalore, Karnataka
Keywords: Karnataka State Domestic Product, FDI, Urban poverty, unorganized sector, employment market, growing city


Karnataka’s relative economic status, compared to other states, has steadily improved overtime. From being a “middle-ranking” Indian State, whose per capita income was below the national average in the early years of planning, it is now recognized as a “fast growing” state. The average growth rate of the Karnataka State Domestic Product (SDP) has been faster than the national average during the period 1981-2000 and the gap
has widened after 1995. During the second half of the 1990s, Karnataka was the only state to have experienced a growth rate of more than 8 per cent. The bio-technology industry in Karnataka grew by a phenomenal 35 per cent during 2003-06 and Bangalore in fact houses 92 of the total 180 bio-tech companies in the country. Similarly the number of software export companies in Karnataka grew from 13 to 1154 during 1991-2003 and software exports grew from Rs.5.6 crores to Rs.12,350 crores during these years.

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How to Cite
Sudhakara, H. (2014). Critical Evaluation of Slums in Bangalore. Shanlax International Journal of Economics, 2(2), 48-56. Retrieved from