Economic Burden and Health Care in India – A Review

  • M Chellamuthu Teaching Faculty Department of Health Promotion and Education Gandhigram Institute of Rural Health and Family Welfare Trust Ambathurai , Gandhigram , Tamil Nadu, India
Keywords: Health, Economic, Public Health, awareness


Good health is both the means and end of development. A healthy population is a prerequisite for economic growth in turn this income growth can be channeled to improve human lives through the provision of a decent education, good governance and all other requirements for human well being. Health is one of the vital indicators reflecting quality of human life. Good health is a major resource for social, economic and human development and an important dimension of quality of life. The public health investment in India over the years has not only been low, but also as a percentage of GDP is continuously on the decline. This implies that public health spending accounted for less than what it would have been on health sector. According to the study conducted by the world health organization (WHO) poor health, in the form of disability, reduces wages by as much as 12% and has negative consequences on labour productivity. The vision for India in the area of health should be faster a healthy society through provision of quality health through health education and health care services. Creating awareness on health problems and their consequences, health services available in government sector and private sector is most important to take own decision to choose their choices for caring them self.

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How to Cite
Chellamuthu, M. (2018). Economic Burden and Health Care in India – A Review. Shanlax International Journal of Economics, 6(4), 22-27. Retrieved from