Recovery Performance of Nationalized Banks in Madurai District Towards Loans Granted Under Prime Minister’s Rozgar Yojana (PMRY)

  • S Theenathayalan Head, Department of Economics & Centre for Research in Economics, The Madura College (Autonomous) Madurai, Tamilnadu
  • P Rajamahendran Asst. Professor, PG Dept. of Economics, Government Arts College, Melur, Madurai, Tamilnadu
Keywords: PMRY, Recovery performance, Unemployment, small-scale sector, self-employment, Demand Collection Balance Method


The objective of the PMRY scheme is to bringing the assisted families above the poverty line by ensuring appreciable and sustained level of increase over a period of time. In this chapter an attempt has been made to identify the problems connected with the implementation of the PMRY and to analyze the prospects for development in future. For better exposition, the analysis has been carried out under the following heads viz., Recovery performance and Bankers' view and view of beneficiaries in Madurai District.

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How to Cite
Theenathayalan, S., & Rajamahendran, P. (2014). Recovery Performance of Nationalized Banks in Madurai District Towards Loans Granted Under Prime Minister’s Rozgar Yojana (PMRY). Shanlax International Journal of Economics, 2(3), 22-29. Retrieved from