Cost and Returns from the Cultivation of Sugarcane

  • P Mohanasundari Ph.D Research Scholar in Economics, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore
Keywords: Sugarcane, Cost of Cultivation, Net Income


Sugar Industry is an Agro-based industry and Sugarcane is cultivated by about 5 Lakhs farmers in Tamil Nadu. The registered Sugarcane crop is cultivated in an area of 2.5 to 3.0 Lakh Hectares comprising of about 2% of the total cultivable area. An average of 300 agricultural mandays is generated for cultivation of one hectare of Sugarcane. Also Sugar Industry employs directly and indirectly about 50,000 persons. Further, the industry engages vehicles for transport of cane from the field to the factory and for despatch of Sugar and molasses. The auxiliary industries viz. Distillery-cum-Ethanol, Co-generation and Paper plants depend upon the Sugar mills for raw material. The Sugarcane is often used for crop rotation wherever paddy, cotton and groundnut is cultivated continuously. The Sugar Mills are also involved in rural development and reconstruction through establishment of Schools, Colleges, Technical Institutions and Healthcare Centers. As Sugarcane is cultivated under contractual obligation, agricultural credit is easily available to Sugarcane farmers under tie up arrangement with the mills. The study conducted in Namakkal district and 50 farmers are approached to find the details regarding the production and problems faced the farmers at the time of production. And study also suggests the various solutions to increase the production of sugarcane.

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How to Cite
Mohanasundari, P. (2013). Cost and Returns from the Cultivation of Sugarcane. Shanlax International Journal of Economics, 1(3), 9-12. Retrieved from