Organic Farming in India: Status, Constraints and Challenges
Organic farming in India is attaining popularity day by day. India is endowed with various types of naturally available organic forms of nutrients in different parts of the country, and it will help for the organic cultivation of crops substantially. The rising population of India has started creating demographic pressure on the agriculture sector to maintain food security. For producing better crop yield, chemical fertilizers and pesticides were used, and this creates more health hazards. To generate good health and environment, a need arise a shift to organic agriculture. India is home to 30 percent of the total organic producers in the world. Still, it accounts for just 2.59 percent (1.5 million hectares) of the total organic cultivation area of 57.8 million hectares (World of Organic Agriculture Report, 2018). Organic farming is beneficial for natural resources and the environment. The study mainly focused on the Present Status of organic farming in India and given the main challenges and constraints of organic farming.
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