Socio-Economic Condition of Urban Street Food Vendors

  • Harish Tigari Assistant Professor and Co-ordinator, Davan PG Studies, Davangere, Karnataka, India
  • S Shalini PG Student, Davan PG Studies, Davangere, Karnataka, India
Keywords: Street food, Self-employment, Capital investment, Women Entrepreneurs


The street food sector plays an important role in urban areas of many developing countries. Street food represents a significant part of urban food consumption for millions of low and middle-income consumers in urban areas daily. Street foods may be the least expensive and most accessible means of obtaining a nutritionally balanced meal outside the home for many low-income people. In Davanagere city most of the vendors are poorly educated, untrained in food hygienic food, and most of the foods are not well protected from flies; street food is relatively cheap. You can get to try a wide selection of different foods in one place. Street food stands are a source of income for many families. Some street food vendors are facing problems like those that don’t have their van or shop. They have to pay a limited amount of money for this. And they earn only a little profit.

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How to Cite
Tigari, H., & Shalini, S. (2020). Socio-Economic Condition of Urban Street Food Vendors. Shanlax International Journal of Economics, 8(3), 67-74.