Model Residential School Education to Scheduled Caste Pupils in Kerala

  • P.M. Rejimon Associate Professor, Post Graduate & Research, Department of Economics, Mar Dionysius College, Pazhanji, Thrissur, Kerala, India
  • R Smitha Assistant Professor, Post Graduate & Research, Department of Economics, Government College Thrissur, Kerala, India
Keywords: Model residential school, Scheduled caste, Development department, Education, Dropouts, Bright scheduled caste students


There are about forty lakh scheduled caste people in Kerala. Most of them are poor and daily wage workers. The socio-economic backwardness of scheduled caste people is a historically determined outcome of a caste system in India. Education is the only way for them to get out of this historical whirlwind of economic deprivation, denial of rights and social exclusion. The Government of India passed The Right to Education Act in 2010 and it ensures “free and compulsory education” for all children aged 6 to 14. The government of Kerala has introduced many innovative programs to provide education for scheduled caste pupils in the state. “Model Residential School” owned and managed by the Scheduled Caste Development Department of The Government of Kerala, is one of such successful initiatives. Model Residential Schools take special care to cater to the educational needs of the underprivileged children and help them to attain quality education. In this article, the investigators explore the role played by the model residential schools in the educational development of scheduled caste pupils in Kerala and particularly in solving the burning issue of a high rate of dropouts among scheduled caste pupils

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How to Cite
Rejimon, P., & Smitha, R. (2021). Model Residential School Education to Scheduled Caste Pupils in Kerala. Shanlax International Journal of Economics, 9(2), 31-36.