An Economic Study on Financial Literacy among Working Women in Madurai City

  • J Duraichamy Assistant Professor & Head, Department of Commerce & Research Centre, Sourashtra College (A), Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
  • P Ponraj Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce & Research Centre, Sourashtra College (A), Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
Keywords: Financial literacy, Working women, Investment instrument, Educated women, Savings, Market rate


Financial literacy is a knowledge related to financial instrument. In India women are equally earnable like men as and they financially independent. Financial literacy is an ability to manage and invest money on financial sources. Low financial literacy may cause financial loss in individual’s life which affect family as well. In this study financial literacy among working women has been analysed with the objective to find the financial literacy level among working women and to analyse the most preferred investment instrument. 45 samples were collected from working women over various field like textile industry, Information technology, fashion, teachers, professors and health industry based working women are taken as sample for the study. Data collected with the help of questionnaire, simple random sampling techniques is used for sampling, SPSS soft ware is used to analyse data.

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How to Cite
Duraichamy, J., & Ponraj, P. (2021). An Economic Study on Financial Literacy among Working Women in Madurai City. Shanlax International Journal of Economics, 9(2), 73-76.