Tannery Wastewater affects the Drinking Water Quality and Heavy Metals in the Palar River Water Pollution in Vellore District Tamil Nadu

  • A Xavier Susairaj Associate Professor and Head, Department of Economics Sacred Heart College (Autonomous), Tirupattur, Tamil Nadu, India
Keywords: Water quality, Leather industry, Tannery, Tanning, Health, Environment, Pollution


A large number of chemicals are used in the tanneries to convert the rawhide into finished leather. The chemicals used by the tanneries are ends in wastewater. This wastewater is dumped into nearby rivers and canals that create water pollution heavy metals in the water. The aim of this process is to access the chemicals used in the tannery industry post tanning process and to evaluate the drinking water quality of the wastewater released by the tanneries in the Palar river basin in Vellore district Tamil Nadu. To analyze the perception of the people in the study area affected by health due to wastewater from the tanneries. This study was performed as a cases study of the current drinking water sources used by households and how they perceive the quality of water. The second objective is to analyze the relationship between water quality and health hazards among households in the Vellore district. Primary data was collected from the respondents with the help of a questionnaire, total sample size of the respondent was 500, multistage random sampling technique was used to collect the data with the help of questioner method, the descriptive and statistical tools were used to analyse the data with SPSS and R statistical packages. The result shows that the people in the river basing suggested controlling the wastewater for the tanneries, and they demanded compensation from the tanneries. Finally, to suggest policy measures to control the water pollution in the study area.

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How to Cite
Xavier Susairaj, A. (2021). Tannery Wastewater affects the Drinking Water Quality and Heavy Metals in the Palar River Water Pollution in Vellore District Tamil Nadu. Shanlax International Journal of Economics, 9(4), 19–29. https://doi.org/10.34293/economics.v9i4.4144