Trail and Challenges of Paramedical Staffs’ in Pandemic Period: A Recall

  • M Chitra Assistant Professor, Department of Econometrics, School of Economics, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
  • S Pradeepan RUSA Project Assistant, School of Economics, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
Keywords: Paramedical Staff, Covid – 19, Health Problems, Occupational Hazards


In pandemic period, the scarcity of paramedical staff is well known fact all over the world. It’s a global issue to face the demand for health seeking behavior of Covid – 19 patients. There are a lot of studies available to express about the health status of targeted patients, but a little attention has been focused on well-being of paramedical staffs, specifically in pandemic period, which put their life into highest risk. Hence, here is an attempt made by the researchers to identify the health problem of paramedical staffs from the articles published and from field study in order to frame policy to protect their life risk.

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How to Cite
Chitra, M., & Pradeepan, S. (2022). Trail and Challenges of Paramedical Staffs’ in Pandemic Period: A Recall. Shanlax International Journal of Economics, 11(1), 1-7.