An Outlook on Infrastructural Sectors in Nagaland (Power, Road, Transport and Communication)

  • Rajani Das Assistant Professor, Unity College Dimapur, Residency Colony, Near NU Residential Campus, Dimapur, Nagaland, India
Keywords: Economic Development, Government, Infrastructure


Infrastructure development builds the road map for economic growth and social upliftment of a county. Econometric studies indicate a direct relationship between development of physical infrastructure and economic growth. The importance of infrastructure development for sustained economic development is well recognized throughout the world. Inadequate and inefficient infrastructure can prevent the economy from realizing its full growth potential regardless of the progress on other fronts. In this paper, the overall growth and performance of infrastructure services has been examined partially on the basis of the different parameters such as trends in growth of physical output in infrastructure sectors so as to examine whether there is a negative or positive association between infrastructure development and Nagaland's economic growth. The study which is based on secondary data collected from various sources, shows that while, there has been a general improvement in the provision of economic infrastructure facilities in the region, the achievements made so far is well below the national average. The paper shows that the government has proposed policies for development of the state but various factors such as insurgency, geographical factors and infrastructural constraints have hindered the expected outcome of the policies. After analyzing these reasons we conclude our paper by suggesting various measures that can be adopted to overcome these problems and accelerate the development process.

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How to Cite
Das, R. (2018). An Outlook on Infrastructural Sectors in Nagaland (Power, Road, Transport and Communication). Shanlax International Journal of Economics, 6(2), 133-142. Retrieved from