Alice Walker and Her Womanism

  • P Andrews Kennedy Lecturer in English, Sri Shankara Bhagavathi Arts & Science College, Kommadikottai, Sathankulam Taluk , Tuticorin District, Tamil Nadu, India
Keywords: Alice Walker, womanist, feminism,, Black feminist, White women’s culture, exploitation, dehumanization, male chauvinists


Alice Walker places herself at the centre of the literary world and writes in search of wholeness, finding action in spite of dependence. Alike Walker through her womanist perspective offers to the women their own women-self, their beauty, physical and sexual strength, motherhood, sisterhood, wife-hood etc.  At the same time she has a strong feeling that the women are to be educated, and made aware of the need to recover from psychological and mental traumas of inferiority. This is possible only if their wholeness and roundness are restored. She precisely aims at achieving this end.

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How to Cite
Andrews Kennedy, P. (2018). Alice Walker and Her Womanism. Shanlax International Journal of English, 6(4), 15-19. Retrieved from