Themes in The Poetry of Kamala Das

  • J. Suganya lakshmi Assistant Professor, Department of English, P K N Arts and Science College, Thirumangalam, Madurai ( Dt)
Keywords: Traumas, Quest, Vacuity, Hanker


Kamala Das was an Indian English Poet as well as a Leading Malayalam author from Kerala, India. She was a widely read Columnist and wrote on diverse topics including women’s issues, Childcare, Politics etc. Her open and honest treatment of female sexuality, free from any sense of guilt, infused her writing with power and marked her as an iconoclast in her generation. The aim of this research article is to explain in detail the themes of Kamala Das’s poetical works. Her themes which seem to be different from one another, are the difference offshoots of one theme-love and Sex Apart from that there are some other themes, Death consciousness, Nostalgic Recollections and Male Body Repulsion.

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How to Cite
Suganya lakshmi, J. (2018). Themes in The Poetry of Kamala Das. Shanlax International Journal of English, 6(3), 46-48. Retrieved from