Patriarchy and Communalism in Mahesh Dattani’s Final Solutions

Keywords: Society, Diversities, Indian Context, Communal Conflict, Communalism, Violence and Contemporary Culture


Mahesh Dattani’s themes highlight the problems that so many urban people face on a daily basis. These individuals may be living in historical transitions, torn between the alluring modernism and globalisation and the firm grasp of tradition and societal values. Skilled playwright and theatre professional Dattani discovers the problem, develops characters, and employs time, place, and the stage all in service of the subject he addresses. Indian urbanites of today make up the characters on stage. They work with socio-cultural tensions as their issues, and expressionism is his method. This article explains the patriarchy of these individuals in Final Solutions of Mahesh Dattani.

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How to Cite
Kalaiselvan, M. (2024). Patriarchy and Communalism in Mahesh Dattani’s Final Solutions. Shanlax International Journal of English, 12(2), 48-52.