The Biblical Allusions in John Milton’s Paradise Lost

  • Sathyaveti Peter Assistant Professor, NBKRIST, Vidyanagar, Andhra Pradesh, India
  • Vaavilala Sri Ramamurthy Head & Lecturer, Govt. Degree College, Vidavalur, Andhra Pradesh, India
Keywords: Milton, Paradise Lost, Biblical Allusions


This paper tries to trace out some of the ALLUSIONS that are found in the PASSAGES of Paradise Lost to REFERENCES in the BIBLE. A list of important quotations is taken from “Paradise Lost” by John Milton that would help me to support the statements. All of the important quotes from “Paradise Lost” listed here correspond, at least in some way, to the topic above and by themselves can give great ideas for an essay by offering quotes about the theme of Biblical Allusions in “Paradise Lost”.

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How to Cite
Peter, S., & Sri Ramamurthy, V. (2018). The Biblical Allusions in John Milton’s Paradise Lost. Shanlax International Journal of English, 6(3), 26-30. Retrieved from