Compendium of the Crisis of the Educated Earning Women in Shashi Deshpande’s the Dark Holds No Terror

  • R Uma M.Phil Scholar, Department of English, Sakthi College of Arts and Science for Women, Mother Theresa University, Kodaikanal, Tamil Nadu, India


A novel is a form of Literature. It is used to refer to the production of ‘imaginative activity’ where as the complex term fiction is used to describe the activity. It presents the documentations of the lives of people which are related to the society. It is concerned with ordinary people and their problems inthe society. This paper deals with The Dark Holds No Terror which is reflective of the feminist aspirations. The Dark Hold No Terror narrates the story of a marriage on the rocks. The protagonist Saritha is a successful lady doctor. It tells her conflict that she has to face as a doctor and as a wife. During daytime she is popular lady doctor and in night she is trapped animal in the hands of her husband, Manohar who is an English teacher in small college. The novel begins with Saritha returning after fifteen years to her father’s house.She once proclaimed that she would never come back to her father’s place. She returns being unable to bear the sexual sadism of her husband. The rest of the novel is what Sara remembers and a brief confession to her father about her trauma. The narrative meanders between the past and the present.

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How to Cite
Uma, R. (2018). Compendium of the Crisis of the Educated Earning Women in Shashi Deshpande’s the Dark Holds No Terror. Shanlax International Journal of English, 6(2), 202-208. Retrieved from