A Study on Digital Learning Contribution in the Literary Education - With Special Reference to English Literature

  • A. Shanmugaraja Assistant Professor of English, St. Xavier's College, Palayamkottai, Tirunelveli TN
Keywords: Digital Classroom, Digital Education Technologies, Smart Studies, Brain Power, E-learning, Virtual Classroom, Education System


Generally education is focused on sources, for example, schools, teachers and print media. The learners arrived at the information sources by selecting with schools, teachers and libraries. Information technology influences in all parts of human action, and education isn't exemption, so its effect on education and training is inescapable. A digitally literate resident will have the option to learn and take responsibility for their learning so this outcomes in a higher demand for education and feel of the requirements for more equipment and apparatuses. Before the digital time, information was not available by most of individuals, and even those got to be not able acquire current information concerning the present setting. The cutting edge society needs to know the information as it occurs and when it occurs, and the world is moving from an information society to a knowledge society. In this way education is given the most elevated need and intellectual competence is turning into the most significant resource of an organisation. Advances in digital technology have opened up many roads of learning. Technology has made information available/transmittable from anyplace and by/to all groups of individuals. Education has arrived at most pieces of the world and ICT has become a basic piece of human life. In the twenty-first century, digital technologies enter all circles of tasteful and humanities education, social and literary studies specifically: we read digital books; verse can be seen as a varying media performance; and in literary projects, cross-references and searches
are finished with the assistance of Internet browsers, though decades back, finding the correct statement or a date could take weeks, if not months. All in all, much has been finished by method for technical access to information, literature specifically, yet insufficient has been accomplished in the field of digitizing literary education, where computers are a crucial resource. Now is the ideal opportunity for taking a gander at how present day technologies can be utilized in teaching and exploring literature and this is the place Literary Education and Digital Learning are particularly welcome. Hence, the present study has been done on digital learning contribution in the literary education and study based on secondary sources of data.

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How to Cite
Shanmugaraja, A. (2018). A Study on Digital Learning Contribution in the Literary Education - With Special Reference to English Literature. Shanlax International Journal of English, 6(2), 228-239. Retrieved from https://shanlaxjournals.in/journals/index.php/english/article/view/3652