Image of Indian Gay Culture in Raj Rao’s The Boyfriend

  • R Vidya Krishnan Ph D Research Scholar, Department of English Kongunadu Arts and Science College, Coimbatore
  • Dr. R Sumathi Assistant Professor, Department of English Kongunadu Arts and Science College, Coimbatore
Keywords: Gay, cultural sub-group, caste, class, religion, discrimination


The Boyfriend is a novel by R.RajRao, he compares untouchability with homosexuality.Yudi, the protagonist is a freelance Journalist and secretly lives a bachelor gay life in Mumbai .In this novel Raj Rao neatly drawn the picture of caste, class, religion, masculinity and the gay cultural sub-group in India. Existence of Queer in society is highlighted in this book.

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How to Cite
Vidya Krishnan, R., & Sumathi, D. R. (2020). Image of Indian Gay Culture in Raj Rao’s The Boyfriend. Shanlax International Journal of English, 9(S1-i2-Dec), 38–39.