Health Humanities: Dealing with Depression and the Power of Books to help sustain the Journey-Reviews & Inferences

  • M Anandhi Professor & Head, Department of English Sri Ramakrishna College of Arts & Science for Women, Coimbatore
Keywords: Health humanities, Literature, Depression, Mental disorder, Psychological, Alternative


Clinically, Depression can be defined as, “A mental health disorder characterised by persistently depressed mood or loss of interest in activities, causing significant impairment in daily life.” The causes may vary from biological, psychological, environmental to lifestyle reasons. The complex interactions between all the above mentioned factors can lead to depression. Life style alterations like loss of a loved one,personal habits etc., can also trigger depression. Psychological and pharmacological remedies exist for different stratas of depression, However, In countries like India there is very less awareness in the view of it. People in the villages still lack the awarenss and blame it on witchcraft or the inhabiting of bad spirits. Inlow- and middle-income families treatment and support services for depression are often inattentive or below advanced. An projected range of 76–85% of people suffer from mental disorders in countries that lack access to the treatment they need.

On a clinical angle, there are plenty of perspectives to deal with it depending on the harshness of the finding. It first needs to be understood as a disease that could be cured leading to the aplenty treatment methodologies, though the role of books that deal with depression, and a healthy way out is less comparatively. This research article deals with this particular branch of health humanities and analyses some of the books that could be powerful curatives in dealing with depression. It tries to identify the importance of reading these books and tries to bring an alternative method of dealing with depression on the whole

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How to Cite
Anandhi, M. (2020). Health Humanities: Dealing with Depression and the Power of Books to help sustain the Journey-Reviews & Inferences. Shanlax International Journal of English, 9(S1-i2-Dec), 47–51.