Advancing Dynamic Proficiency Skills into Teaching English as a Second Language in Indian Setting

  • S Henry Kishore Head & Associate Professor of English PG & Research Department of English Sri Krishna Arts & Science College, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India
  • E Ranjith Kumar Ph.D., Research Scholar, PG & Research Department of English Sri Krishna Arts & Science College, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India
Keywords: ESL classes, Communicative approach, Active skills, Passive skills, Challenges, Teacher’s role


This research article entitled “Advancing Dynamic Proficiency Skills in Teaching English as a Second Language in Indian Setting” is devoted to deliberate the uniqueness of Communication Skills in English for special as well as secondary purpose. It is in short about refining the speaking skill in English as a second language in India. In the course of its deliberation it would point out the central insights of the topic, and would elucidate the outcomes of the research. Some recommendations will also be stated in this article. Teaching and learning English, in addition to the vernacular language, is highly essential for communicative purposes so as to cope with the ever increasing regional, national and the global demands for communication skills in English. In India, English is the official language, and is used for the purposes of education, employment and for wider communication within and among the states as well for traveling to foreign countries. To cope up with the national and global demand, innumerable efforts have been made to the Indian educational system to enhance the learners English speaking skills.

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How to Cite
Henry Kishore, S., & Ranjith Kumar, E. (2021). Advancing Dynamic Proficiency Skills into Teaching English as a Second Language in Indian Setting. Shanlax International Journal of English, 9(4), 14–21.