Genres of Modernity in Contemporary Indian English Novels: A Study

  • K. R. Arivu Selvi Assistant Professor, PG & Research Department of English, Government Arts College, Tiruvannamalai
Keywords: Modern Novelists, Diachronic Study, Translated Indian Novels, Traditional India to Modern India, Translated Writers, Modernist Literature


Indian literature in English alludes to literature related with Indians inside and outside India and created by writers in India and outside India, in contrast to other world written works. By a long shot the biggest piece of Indian literature is written in the English language, yet there are assemblages of written works in Telugu, Tamil, Malayalam, Hindi, and other territorial dialects which have been converted into English. Interpretation from English into Indian dialects has been an artistic custom in India. Interpretation writers have additionally had a significant impact in the development of Indian English language literature however the conversation isn't fitting here. The Indian abstract convention returns to the writings of the two stories The Ramayana and The Mahabharata impacting the writers in India who looked the rest of the world absorbing their brains and thinking measure them. No big surprise at that point, the early Indian novels in English were demonstrated in the Sanscritised cognizance and later proceeded however addressed in the new occasions. There is a move in the voices of modern Indian writers in English work of art India dynamic trying to change conventional India to modern India. Novel in English is the most established and continuous scholarly type in India. Modern novel has encouraged the reader to get life decidedly adjusting individual and expert life. Family, society, religion, station, legislative issues, instruction, sex, negligibility, outcaste, share, youngster work, ragging are managed. Relations, culture, confidence, cash, conclusions, guidance, disengagement, personality, manliness, womanliness, mannerism are the most talked about subjects. The human mind has been examined. Everything is seen in an unexpected way. Each point of man's life is experimented. Innovation is incorporated. Civilization is addressed. Feelings are put to basic analysis. Culture is soaked up. Rodent hustling is tested. Modern man is cut in the leaves of novel world by prominent writers in English coming about into Indian English.

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How to Cite
Arivu Selvi, K. R. (2018). Genres of Modernity in Contemporary Indian English Novels: A Study. Shanlax International Journal of English, 6(2), 267-275. Retrieved from