Dalit Poetry; An Excruciating Cry of the Unheard

  • M Karthik Voorhees College, Vellore
Keywords: Dalit, Poetry, Literature, Marginalized, Downtrodden and Oppressed


Dalit poetry is a burgeoning genre in literature that mirrors the excruciating cry of the downtrodden community, Dalit. The objective of this literature is to show the contemporary world of the tormenting experience of long silenced discrimination, poverty and the craving for social equality and human dignity. In order to explicitly express the reality of their narrative Dalit poets wrote poems, short stories, and mostly autobiographies.Dalit poetry altogether gives a message about the community and portrays their exploitive and helpless situation in the society. Poets express the wanting of dignified and peaceful life for the marginalized.

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How to Cite
Karthik, M. (2022). Dalit Poetry; An Excruciating Cry of the Unheard. Shanlax International Journal of English, 10(S1-Jan), 56-58. https://doi.org/10.34293/english.v10iS1-Jan2022.4731