Exploring the Theme of Human- Animal Kinship in Margaret Atwood’s Oryx and Crake

  • M Usha Bharathi Assistant Professor, Department of English, Shrimati Indira Gandhi College, Tiruchirapalli, Tamil Nadu


Oryx and Crake explored the theme of advancement of science and its challenges are distinct between human and animal. Atwood discusses the theme during a special way in her novel ‘Oryx and Crake’ published within the year 2003. It deals with the protagonist Snowman’s hindering mind about his past and annihilating present. The protagonist is revealed through his attitude with creature called ‘Crakers’ and his deportments throughout the novel.The most frightening thing within the novel is that the pigoons that Jimmy’s father helps to make as a genetic engineer at the Organ Inc Farms Compound. The novel is setting by post-apocalyptic and narrates the story of mankind’s demise as results of a worldwide epidemic deliberately caused by the idealistic scientist Crake. This novel highlights how the Crakers, a scientifically created race meant to out pace humanity, take over man’s place.

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How to Cite
Usha Bharathi, M. (2022). Exploring the Theme of Human- Animal Kinship in Margaret Atwood’s Oryx and Crake. Shanlax International Journal of English, 10(S1-Jan), 67-69. https://doi.org/10.34293/english.v10iS1-Jan2022.4735