A Journey from Encumbrance to Resilience: A Study on Nancy Mckenzie’s Queen of Camelot

  • S. R. K. Shinny Miyolaa Research Scholar, Bharathidasan University, Department of English, Bishop Heber College (Autonomous), Trichy
  • Suresh Frederick Dean, Research and Development, Associate Professor and UG Head, Department of English, Bishop Heber College (Autonomous), Trichy
Keywords: Arthurian Literature, Encumbrance, Resilience, Anxiety, Repression


The term “Arthurian Literature” describes writings in poetry, prose, dramas, and novels that are based on the mythical King Arthur, who is said to have ruled Britain in the fifth century BC. Experts have been debating and disputing King Arthur’s historical foundation for a long time. Despite the never-ending controversy surrounding the history of King Arthur and his knights, numerous authors have continued to express their love and devotion for him in their works. King Arthur emerged as the main character in the Matter of Britain, saving the entire country with his victorious conquest of the Saxons. Authors from all around the world have embellished their love for Arthur by rewriting the well-known legendary tales from various perspectives. Resilience refers to the ability of an individual, community, or system to bounce back, adapt, and recover from adversity, challenges, or setbacks. It involves the capacity to withstand and navigate through difficult circumstances while maintaining a sense of well-being. Resilient individuals can adjust and adapt to changing situations. They are flexible in their thinking and behaviour. They can manage their emotions effectively, staying calm under pressure and bouncing back from emotional distress. This paper aims to analyse the evolution of Guinevere from encumbrance to resilience in Nancy Mckenzie’s Queen of Camelot. Resilience is a dynamic and evolving quality that can be developed and strengthened over time through various life experiences. The paper tries to show how the protagonist, Guinevere becomes a resilient woman after undergoing lot of difficulties.

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How to Cite
Shinny Miyolaa, S. R. K., & Frederick, S. (2024). A Journey from Encumbrance to Resilience: A Study on Nancy Mckenzie’s Queen of Camelot. Shanlax International Journal of English, 12(S1-Feb), 15-19. https://doi.org/10.34293/english.v12iS1-Feb.7406