Environmental Literature and Ecocriticism - A Study

Keywords: Significance, Humanitarian, Perspective, Analysis, Tradition, Illustrations, Genres, Reformative, Reflections, Emerging Trends


The paper aims at studying the significance of Environmental Literature and Eco criticism from a humanitarian perspective. The study is based on the critical analysis of the secondary data, collected through sources such as books, Magazines, review of related articles from Newspapers, Journals, Internet and Govt. Websites. While narrating the tradition of Environmental literature and Eco criticism the paper examines with illustrations how the concern and care for our environment has been expressed in the select literary texts (both fiction and nonfiction) and genres of different periods of time. Further the paper makes an attempt to throw light upon what reformative influence it had upon the society in general. The paper concludes with the reflections upon the emerging trends in the approaches towards Environmental Literature and Eco- criticism.

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How to Cite
Adkoli, B. (2024). Environmental Literature and Ecocriticism - A Study. Shanlax International Journal of English, 12(3), 32-36. https://doi.org/10.34293/english.v12i3.7705