A Study on Attitude of Customers towards E-Banking Services in ICICI Bank, Madurai
In today’s modernized world everybody is seeking to do their work with less time consuming methodand even in banking sectors every payment and receipt transactions are made easily by the people through internet banking and net banking where traditional banking getting absent and which is making the customers banking related transaction easier. This research study is related to the attitude of ICICI bank customers towards e-banking services such as ATM, Tele, Mobile, and internet banking services in ICICI bank, Madurai. This study focused on why the customers are using ICICI bank’s e-banking services, analyze the satisfaction level of the customers towards e-banking services, awareness and usage of e-bankingservices among the customers, the difficulties faced by the customers in availing the e-banking services and focuses on the factors influence them to use various e-banking services provided by ICICI bank. The researcher has made an attempt to collect information from 110 respondents from ICICI bank customers in Madurai city. The data collected using appropriate questionnaire was analyzed and interpreted using statistical techniques and also the testing of hypothesis was done and conclusions arrived at whether the hypothesis is accepted or rejected. The outcome of this research study will prove to be of use to theresearch scholars.

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