Massive Open Online Courses on Sociology: Review

  • C Swaminathan Former Vice Chancellor of Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, Periyar University, Salem, Tamil Nadu, India
Keywords: MOOCs platform, Educational Resources, Sociology, Historical Science, xMOOC, cMOOC


Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) have become incalculably popular within a very small span of time. MOOCs are focused by the higher educational sector under Digital initiatives movement. The usage of MOOCs has drastically transformed higher education delivery system by way of accessing and cost. The combat over MOOCs tends to up come in some years on major domain areas. MOOCs offer college-level courses as like courses offered by traditional universities. MOOCs important value intentions are free of cost, available online and to open a convenient learning platform to as many people as possible. The heart of the MOOC and the element transformed the traditional education system to next generation is the Information services and Technology. MOOCs are supremely suited for teaching the Social Sciences which penetrated the spirit of most students. This article reviewed the MOOCs related to Social Science courses offered by various MOOC platforms. It mainly focusses on analysis of Social and Historical Science course offerings, the target audience, duration of course and credentials provided.

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