Human Rights Violations against Women

  • C Jeyapaul Assistant Professor, Department of History, Arignar Anna Govt Arts College, Vadachennimalai, Attur Tk, Salem Dt, Tamil Nadu, India
Keywords: violence, women rights, human rights, women empowerment, discrimination, exploitation


The gender violence is a universal phenomenon which takes forms across culture, race and class. The view violence against women as any action, policy or attitude which in any way is a violation of women rights on that basis, the view violence against women carried out by any individual, group, institution or society as human rights violations. It has been observed that the human right of the women is being violated in many fields. So, the objects to find out and make some mechanisms and system; and develop new strategies to empower women who also creative and equal partners in the future transformation of our societies; and whose contribution to give birth to human being is significant and greater than men.

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