A Study on Administrative Unit and its Meseure’s in Senji Nayaks

  • M Periyammal Research Scholar (Full-Time), PG & Research Department of History, Government Arts College (Autonomous), Karur, Tamil Nadu, India
Keywords: Social welfare, Vijayanagar Nayaks, Thondaimantalam, Senji, Portuguese, Nayaks


The social customs and laws started functioning with clear cut codes to be systematically followed by members for a sustained life on earth with protection from the dangerous creatures and adverse environment. Man’s observation of the Universe made them to realize wonders and secrets and thus paved way for the observance of godhead, is considered on common parlance, responsible for every action and reaction on earth as well the thither worlds. They received protection, first, from the ruling monarchs who were treated as the saviors of their life on earth and this tendency later on shifted to the creator and sustainer of the universe which is personified as god the savior.

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