A Study on Trends in Earnings, Employment and Labour Market Reforms in Manufacturing Industries in the Post Reform India

  • K Ramesha Research Scholar, Department of Economics, Bangalore University, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
  • T Rajendra Prasad Professor in Economics, Department of Economics, Bangalore University, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
Keywords: productive employment, per capita earnings, employment generations, labour reforms


Manufacturing sector is a key sector for the sustainable development of any particular economyinthe long run. A large amount of productive employment can be generated by this sector withsuitable policy implications. A growing population has been facing many issues with long rununemployment and poverty. Eradication of poverty can be achieved by employment generationthrough establishment of many complementary industries in the modern era in India. Manygovernment policies have been initiated by the government of India but it is not a permanent solution.Until providing a reasonable amount of living and faire wages could not able to improve the standardof living of the employees. There are greater disparities in per capita earnings and volatility in theemployment conditions in Indian manufacturing sector. The perspective plan formulations areessentially required to the employment generations across the country. The present study attempts toexamine the trends in earnings and employment and also labour reforms in manufacturing industriesin the post reform India.

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