A Study on Information Searching Pattern of the Users of Public Libraries in Dindigul District, Tamilnadu
The present study deals with the information searching pattern of the users of public libraries in Dindigul District, Tamilnadu. The study found that 39.2% of the respondents visit to the public library daily. 31.7% of the respondents need a public library in their village /city to get aneasy access to any news or information. 41.1 % of the overall respondents who belong to various age groups state that value of journals and books is relevant. 50.5% of the respondents are easy to access the reading materials. 40.5% of the respondents agree that the librarians conduct extension activities on a regular basis. 35.2% of the respondents agree that Library Extension activities encourage the readers ’frequency of visit to the library. 24.1% of the respondents cite that the access to photocopy facilities is the main influence of the village library services and it has got the first rank. It is found that amajority of the respondents are satisfied with the Infrastructure of the public library. 29.8% of the respondents strongly agree with satisfaction of the borrowing facilities of the library.

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