Cultural Implications in the Structure of Sanskrit Language

  • S Usha Associate Professor in Sanskrit Seethalakshmi Ramaswami College Trichy, Tamil Nadu, India
Keywords: cultural implications, deep structure, surface structure, language and linguistics


Just as face is the index of mind, so also language is the mirror that reflects the knowledge, shared patterns of behavior, social norms, attitude, values, culture and personality of the native speakers of that language. Sanskrit, which is held globally as the cultural language of Bharatam is structurally perfect and significant.

Apart from being a technically perfect language, that has innumerable scientific, technological, philosophical and classical vocabulary, the cultural implications in the literature and structure of this language is noteworthy. Grounded in the native culture, the broader and wider literature of this language has evolved. The classically unparalleled grammar of Panini too radiates several aspects of native culture.  

The present paper seeks to probe linguistically into the cultural implications in the surface and deep structures of Sanskrit language.

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