ICT Literacy for B.Ed. Trainees in Salem District

  • P Muthukumar Research Scholar, Department of Education, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Thirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, India
  • K Nachimuthu Professor and Head, Department of Education, Periyar University, Salem, Tamil Nadu, India
Keywords: ICT, B.Ed Trainees, ICT Literacy


Teacher is considered to be the architect of the nation. In other words, the future of the nation lies in the hands of teacher. This shows the importance of teacher. One can realize how important education is which makes one a teacher. According to Verma (2010), a teacher plays a significantrole not only in class teaching learning situation but in social engineering too. Society gives a respectable place to teachers who are really perspective empowered. This empowerment is not at interms of physical perspective. It is in academic, intellectual, social, and national perspectives. The objectives of the study are , to analyze the general awareness and the mean score of B.Ed., trainees in Salem on ICT literacy; to study the difference if any in ICT literacy among the B.Ed., trainees of arts & science and Biology & Non-Biology in Salem district. The method of thestudy is normative survey was adopted this study. The Sample for the study is concerned with B.Ed., colleges of Salem District. The investigator has selected 200 trainees studying in Padmavani College of Education for Women, and K.S College of Education Salem. Finding reveals that, there is significant difference in ICT literacy among biology and non-biology group B.Ed trainees and there is significant difference in ICT literacy among Biology and Non-Biology B.Ed trainees. Hence, the study concluded the trainees have moderate level of ICT literacy.

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