Innovation and Technology for Green Growth towards Sustainable Development in India

  • A Vanitha Assistant Professor, Department of Business Administration, Arumugam Pillai Seethai Ammal College, Tiruppattur, Sivagangai Dist.,Tamil Nadu, India
  • S Amutha Assistant Professor, Department of Business Administration, Arumugam Pillai Seethai Ammal College, Tiruppattur, Sivagangai Dist.,Tamil Nadu, India
Keywords: Innovation, Technology, Green Growth, Climate Change, Energy Efficiency, Sustainable Development, India Green Growth Strategy


Today, the growth model towards sustainable development widely recognized by the international community is green growth. However, understanding and application of Green Growth, innovation and technology are still being developed inmost countries. Promoting innovation and technology for Green Growth in India is not only appropriate for the current economic integration process, but more importantly, it comes from the requirement of the domestic economy for transforming the growth model. India after three decades of rapid growth is now facing several development problems such as low quality of economic growth, low competitiveness, low efficiency, social inequality, depletion of environmental pollution, climate change and natural resources. In this study innovation and technology for Green Growth can be a potential solution to these problems and helps India move towards sustainable development. This paper aims to analyze the basic dimensions of Green Growth in India by focusing on the following content (i) the development context in India (ii) reasons for choosing theGreen Growth model in India (iii) India's commitments and steps towards green growth (iv) the opportunity and challenge of India towards the Green Growth model and (v) the policy implications for Green Growth in India. This article uses secondary data collected from official international and national sources in India. Economic growth is an essential objective of all nations. After more than two decades of embracing economic reforms, India has joined the middle-income group. The paper analyzes the relationship between Innovation and Technology for Green Growth and the quality of sustainable development in India.

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