“Augmented Analysis of Nature (Water) In Amitav Ghosh’s the Hungry Tide”

  • M Arunachalam Assistant Professor, Department of English, Jamal Mohamed College, Tiruchirappalli
Keywords: mute, Sundarbans, The Hungry Tide, artifactual, woodcutters


The novel ‘The Hungry Tide’ serves to highlight the importance of ecological questions to be relevant to the Third World. The traditional conceptualizations of water and the River Ganges, the materiality of the presence of water and its significance as an agency dealt with in the novel; illustrate the violence inscribed within western conservation discourses when arbitrarily implemented in the Third World. Preservationin the popular imaginary often regarded as a beneficent phenomenon that institutes safeguards for a "mute" nature that is violated by continuing at full strength of human encroachment. Protection in the Sundarbans, directed mainly toward the preservation of the tiger, reveals the privileging of an animal because it meets a higher aesthetic standard of beauty and prowess.

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