Influence of Cooperative Learning Method on the Academic Achievement of Biology

  • J Ambethkar Research Scholar, Department of Education, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore
  • M Manivannan Registrar, Periyar University, Salem
Keywords: Cooperative Learning, Achievement, Conventional method, STAD, Biology Teaching


This study is attempted to find out the influence of cooperative learning, STAD on academic achievement in Biology of Higher secondary school students. This is a experimental study based on simple random design for preparing two groups such as experimental and control group. Total 300 students of class XIth Biology studying in Chennai, Tamilnadu were selected as a sample for the present study. Out of which 150 students were considered in experimental group and were exposed to cooperative learning method while another 150 students were named control group and taught through conventional method (Lecture + Demonstration+ Discussion). The students of both the groups were taught one period of 45 minutes per day for 35 days. After that a self made achievement test for Biology is administered on both the groups. After experimentation Academic achievement test scores were obtained. The data, thus collected, were analyzed through t-test. The results related to this study show that Cooperative learning oriented teaching is significantly effective for increasing the level of Academic achievement in Biology.

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