Scientometric Analysis of Advances in Natural Sciences: NANO Science and NANO Technology: An International Journal
A Scientometric study of Journal of Advances in Natural Sciences: Nano Science and Nano Technology from the year 2012 to 2016 is carried out to find out the growth in Nano science literature, authorship pattern, citation pattern of authors, authors’ affiliation of institutions and geographical distribution of authors. The data reveals that regarding publication of articles year 2014 leads with 82 articles. With respect to issue wise distribution of article June issues has more number of articles than other issues. With regard to authorship pattern joint authorship articles are more than single authorship articles and especially five or more authors’ contribution are very high compared to other authorship articles. The contributors of Advances in Natural Sciences: Nano Science and Nano Technology refer journals more than other forms of literature for their knowledge output. Regarding authors’ affiliation authors who are working in Universities contribute more than research institutions.

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