Old Age: A Time to Relish or Repent

  • J Raja Meenakshi Assistant Professor, Department of Social Work, Central University of Tamil Nadu, Thiruvarur
Keywords: Aged, Retirement, Psychosocial life


Ageing is a process which starts at mother’s womb and ends at grave yard. Mahadevan(1986) states that traditionally old age begins at 60 years in India. 60 years have been adopted by the census of India for the purposes of classifying a person as old. This age coincides with the age of retirement in India. Self image of a person revolves around the work one does. Work is central to the lives of most people and it is the source of prestige and respectability for the individual. Retirement socially implies the on set of old age. At the final phase of occupational life, the society expects aman / woman to take rest after a long period of service. Loss of job result in decreased psychological well being, lossof self esteem and self worth. After retirement from the institution the retired aged receive pension and other benefits. Retirement would bring many solid changes in the physical and psychological health of the aged and it may lead to stress, anxiety, and depression and could bring changes in the level of life satisfaction of the retired aged people. This study makes an attempt to understand the psychosocial life of retired people.

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