Online Information Resources Access by Research Scholars of Social Sciences, Pure Sciences and Engineering in Tamil Nadu: A Study

  • M Ravichandran Librarian, Sri Meenakshi Govt. Arts College for Women (A), Madurai
Keywords: Online Information Resources, Research Scholars, Search Techniques, Barriers, Tamil Nadu


This paper investigates the usage of online information resources, various search techniquesand barriers involved in accessing of online Information Resources. The study was carried out among the research scholars who are pursuing research in Social Sciences, Pure Sciences and Engineering at various Colleges and Universities in Tamil Nadu. A total of 210 copies of the questionnaire were distributed and 172 (81.90%) research scholars were responded. The major findings of the study were indicated that majority of the research scholars preferred to access to full text articles, keywordwas the first priority and slow process of internet was the major problem. The study is recommended to upgrade interconnectivity and provide information literacy programme to make use online information resources subscribed by the institutions effectively for research and development activities

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