The Willingness to Participate in Health Insurance Schemes among of Cardiavascular Patients in Coimbatore Government Hospital

  • A Sangamithra Associate Professor, Dept. of Economics, Bharathiar university, Coimbatore
  • R Pazhanichamy Ph.D.,Research Scholar, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore
Keywords: Health Insurance, Willingness, Personal Saving, Medical Care, Economic development


Healthis commonly thought of as the absence of disease, and indeed it is difficult to discuss one without the other. In recent years, a new philosophy of health has emerged which states health as a fundamental human rights and an integral part of development and central to the concept of quality of life. Health is the barometer of growth the body as well as the economy. Awell developed human capital base of a nation plays an important role in economic development. The health insurance is a vital method of financing the spiraling costs of medical care. The high cost of hospital services coupled with the unpredictability ofhealth needs and the inadequacy of personal savings is the primary reason for the growing importance of insurance as a means of financing health services. In spite of the growing importance of health insurance schemes, the number of people covered by health insurance is very less in India. It has been found that one of the major reasons for low health insurance coverage in India is the lack of awareness of the health schemes by the people. Willingness to join a new health insurance scheme is concerned; only 27 sample respondents are willing to participate forhealth insurance schemes. Reminding 73 sample respondents are not willing to participate for health insurance schemes. This is due to ignorance, income earned is spent for their day to day necessaries,not affordable, due to bar of age, postponement and some of them think that this is unnecessary.The high cost of hospital services coupled with the unpredictability of health needs and the inadequacy of personal savings is the primary reason for the growing importance of insurance as a means of financing health services.

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