Empowerment of Dalits Human Rights Perspective a Study in Tamil Nadu: Issues and Challanges

  • M Subhash Research Scholar, Department of Politics & International Studies, School of Social Sciences & International Studies, Pondicherry University, Puducherry.
Keywords: Untouchable, Dalits, SCs, Atrocities, Crime Records Bureau, Caste, CERD


Atrocities are a specific from of violence committed by a collectivity or individual on the weaker sections in general and the scheduled castes and scheduled tribes in particular, in different purts of the country. Such violence manifests both in the social and physical forms. From the psychological point of view, if may be part of an aggressive personality and behavior patterns of a group or an individual, but sociologically this may have its roots in an equally organized s ocial structure which may be concretely visible in the various forms of social inequality. In such a social structure, since there are unequal institutional arrangements of both material and non -material goods and relations among the people in such social structure, there are cases of violence and conflicts of one type or the other over having more access to the available reasons and opportunities which of course are in short supply this does not rule out completely the possibility of a smooth acceleration of competition among the different sections of people for the same.The commission found an alarming increase in crimes against SCs (an 8% rise between observed a link between 1981 and 1986) especially murder and rape. It observed a link between atrocities, both of caste prejudice and untouchables and political and economic issues regarding land, wises indebtedness, bondage, etc. disputes related to land were identified as the single most were identified as the single most important cause, including disputes regarding implementation of land reforms, and allotment of cultivate land and house sites other conflicts centered on every of a good cooperation raised by Dalits, use of community land etc. likewise, any attempt by Dalit agricultural laborers to agitate for reasonable wages were usually meets with violence at the hands of the landowning classes.

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