Information Literacy and Librarians

  • T Brindha Ph. D., Research Scholar (Part -Time), Bharathiar University, Coimbatore
Keywords: Information literacy, information skills, information retrieval, information literacy sources


Information Literacy is gradually becoming a necessity in the information world. The purpose of this paper is to present a broader analytical insight to the information literacy concept, in order to achieve an information literate librarian. Information literacy is a set of skills required for Librarian to find, retrieve, analyse and use information. Information literacy is directly linked with lifelong learning, critical thinking, and learning to learn concepts of education. The development of information technology and telecommunication provides various channels and applications for accessing, processing and distributing information, which also proposes higher requirements of information literacy skills for dealing with information. This paper emphasize on the importance, the various dimensions of information literacy, role of librarian in information literacy, skills and standards required for an information literate person.

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