Dynamic Method for Improving the Resistance in Compression by Using Watermarking

  • J Thasleen Fathima Research Scholar and Assistant Professor, Dept of Information Technology, HKRH College, Uthamapalayam, Theni
Keywords: PSNR, cover message, pixels, Manipulation, watermark


Now-a-days watermarking plays a pivotal role in most of the industries for providing security to their own as well as hired or leased data. This paper its main aim is to study Spatial and Fractal watermarking algorithms and also choosing the effective and efficient one for improving the resistance in data compression. In the Spatial domain method, there is no costly transforms needed to be computed for watermark embedding. The luminance values will be manipulated directly. The fractal domain is to determine a set of contractive transformation to approximate each block of the image with a larger block. The composition of all these transformations has the image as its fixed point. Starting with any image hence to apply the composition of the transformations repeatedly and get an approximation of the original image.

For the implementation, we have used minimum nine coordinate positions. The watermarking algorithms to be taken for this study are Bruyn algorithm and Langelaar algorithm. In all graph, we have plotted X axis as peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR) and y axis as Correlation with original watermark. The threshold value ά is set to 5. The result is smaller than the threshold value then it is feasible, otherwise it is not. From the results, we are trying to predict which technique is more suitable to which type of secret image.

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