Effects of Aerobic Training and Anaerobic Training Followed by Cessation on 800 Meters Running Performance
The purpose of the study was to find out the effects of aerobic and anaerobic training followed by cessation on the performance of 800 meters running of Anna University men players. Forty five male subjects were selected and they were divided into three equal groups of fifteen each. Experimental group I underwent Aerobic Training and group II underwent Anaerobic Training and for the training period of 12 weeks and group-III (Control group) did not involve in any training. All the subjects were tested prior to and after the training and during detraining period. The data collected from the three groups prior to and post experimentation and detraining on 800 mts performance was statistically analyzed by using two way (3x6) factorial ANOVA with last factor repeated measures. Whenever the obtained F-ratio for interaction effect was found to be significant, the simple effect test was used as a follow up test. Since, three groups and six different stages of test were compared, whenever they obtained f-ratio value in the simple effect was significant the Scheffe’s test was applied as post hoc test to determine the paired mean differences, if any. In all the cases 0.05 level of significance was fixed. The results of the study indicated that the experimental group’snamely aerobic training and anaerobic training group had significantly influenced the performance of 800mts running. It is found that aerobic training group has significantly improved the selected dependent variable when compared to the anaerobic training group. Further significantreduction in the performance of 800 meters running wasfound during the third and fourth cessation of detraining period.

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