A Study on Rural Tourism in Madurai District

  • A Bhavani Assistant Professor, Department of History, E.M.G.Yadava Women’s College, Madurai
Keywords: rural tourism, Dhan foundation, Thomas cook, agri tourism, TTDC, Cultural Tourism, Health Tourism, Pilgrimage Tourism and Business Tourism, Rural Tourism


The development of a strong platform around the concept of rural tourism is definitely useful for a country like India, where almost 74% of people are live in 7 million villages. From east to west and north to south entire country is cemented with villages and hamlets in India having rural tourism potentials. Wealth of craft, performing art and vivid lifestyle are attracting the tourists in India. In rural culture as a tourist attraction capitalizes the agri tourism as the prime product. Rural tourism often promoted as a mechanism to support regional agricultural communities. In the developed countries has resulted in a new style of tourism visiting village settings to experience and live a relaxed and healthy lifestyle. The central Government of India has given priority to rural tourism in the tenth five year plan from 2002-2007 to provide sustainable livelihood for the rural Indian villages.

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