Physico-Chemical, Sensory and Anti-Oxidant Activity of Herbal Extract on Khoa Prepared from Cow Milk
A study was undertaken to assess the effect of betel leaves (Piper betel Linn) extract on the physico-chemical, sensory and antioxidant properties of khoa made from cow’s milk and stored under room temperature. The physico-chemical parameters viz., pH, titratable acidity, fat, free fatty acids, sensory and antioxidant properties were evaluated periodically at an interval of 3 days upto 9 days. The result revealed that sensory evaluation of khoa was not influenced by the presence of 0.5 per cent aqueous extract of betel leaves up to 9 days of storage period with an overall acceptability score of 6.83. The physico- chemical properties of khoa showed an increasing trend in acidity and decrease of pH as the storage period progresses. The free fatty acids levels were well within the prescribed limit because of antioxidant properties exhibited by the aqueous extract of betel leaves. From the study, it was concluded that khoa with 0.5 aqueous extract of betel leaves restricted the free fatty acid compared to control due to antioxidant property of betel leaves.

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